San Francisco Examiner – ‘Aluminum Artist’

“Furniture maker Glendon Good thinks the aluminum chimes hanging outside his Berkeley studio should have been an indication of what was to come. Good designed the chimes as a teenager, making each tube a different length and tuned to a musical key. The hammer in his worksjhop was a project from the seventh grade.

And because as a graduate student at Stanford he could not afford to buy furniture, he made his own. ‘I had no idea what I wanted to be when I was growing up,’ Good says, ‘But in retrospect it seems obvious.'”


San Francisco Examiner, ‘Aluminum artist’ finds a tubular career, by Kristine M. Carber, January 12, 1994



San Francisco ExaminerBack to School: Learning in the Leisure Class, by Zahid Sardar, September 21, 1997
